CHAINMAIL: 05.05.2024 Including - Encounter Checklist, The D&D Build that Wins ANY Game, and Toybox Style Play.
CHAINMAIL: 04.27.2024 Including - Inherent Tension, D&D Balance is BORING. This is why., and Shannon Appelcline Interview: ep. 162.
CHAINMAIL: 04.14.2024 Including - Design the Dungeon with Numbers, The Best Tool for Better Improv GMing Comes from Solo Games, and WHAT IS INTERESTING ABOUT BASIC DUNGONEERING: And what is not.
CHAINMAIL: 04.07.2024 Including - Random GM Tip: What Are You Looking For?, "You shouldn't use DnD for narrative campaigns.", and Coins In the Dungeon.
CHAINMAIL: 03.31.2024 Including - Familiarity and Contempt, Prep More Content Without Robbing Player Agency | RPG Mainframe, and How to Set Up and Use Faction Turns.
CHAINMAIL: 03.24.2024 Including - Purpose and Mystery in the Dungeon, 1983: How DUNGEONS & DRAGONS cast its spell, and The Shrike: Currencies and Trade Goods.
CHAINMAIL: 03.16.2024 Including - How many liches does your world have?, Random tables... don't suck, actually?, and Keep 'Em Broke.
CHAINMAIL: 03.02.2024 Including - LESSONS FROM HELL: John Romero's Level Design Rules for DOOM, Early DnD was a open-world tabletop MMORPG, and How Do Stories Emerge from Game Play?
CHAINMAIL: 02.18.2024 Including - The 10 Commandments of Game Design (as told by Warren Spector), Using FPS Maps in D&D | Game Changer, and What Do Ability Scores Represent?
CHAINMAIL: 02.12.2024 Including - News as Campaign Glue, How To Know If Your Mechanics Matter | RPG Mainframe, and Crafting with Concepts.