HHC NEWSLETTER: 08.18.2024 Including - Running Mysteries: Enigma, Build a Fantasy Town in D&D | The G.U.A.R.D.S. Method, and PUT YOUR RPG CAMPAIGN ON A DEADLINE (IT’LL BE OKAY.)
HHC NEWSLETTER: 08.04.2024 Including - GRENDEL MENDEL: Using Punnett Squares For Monster Design; Your Map IS the Adventure | Advanced Gamemastery; and Deconstructing Healing, Potions, and Shrines.
CHAINMAIL: 07.28.2024 Including - 34 Good Traps; A World Not Desperate to Explain Itself; and One campaign, many GMs, no bookkeeping.
CHAINMAIL: 07.14.2024 Including - "A Meaningful Campaign", The Most Insidious Fallacy in Gaming, and Ideas That Kill You: Primer to Infohazards In TTRPGs.
CHAINMAIL: 06.30.2024 Including - Bosman's Typology of Player Death, Advanced Gamemastery: The Campaign Stitch, and Wilderness Exploration Design Approaches: Tight and Loose.
CHAINMAIL: 06.16.2024 Including - Blorb Principles, Storytelling and Role-Playing are Incompatible, and Game Design by Abstraction.
CHAINMAIL: 06.03.2024 Including - Interesting Social Situations, or The Discourse Post; Why Fantasy Worlds SHOULD Be Stuck in Medieval Times; and 100 OSR Class Pyramid.
CHAINMAIL: 05.19.2024 Including - A Way of Free Kriegsspiel Revolution, What Makes a Good RPG Town?, and Diegetic Character Options.
CHAINMAIL: 05.05.2024 Including - Encounter Checklist, The D&D Build that Wins ANY Game, and Toybox Style Play.