CHAINMAIL: 05.19.2023

Including - Dungeon Checklist, Worldbuilding: How to Make Names That Don't Suck, and Dazzling Description: Painting the Perfect Picture.

Chainmail is a weekly newsletter dedicated to sharing the abundance of excellent content available in the TTRPG space. You'll find YouTube videos, blog posts, quotes from books, and many other forms of media related to improving your skills as game masters and world builders. Enjoy!

Dungeon Checklist - Goblin Punch

More dungeon design resources! this is a short checklist you should go over when stocking your dungeons. There are 7 entries and all 7 will help you create more exciting dungeons. After going through Goblin Punch's 7, try coming up with your own that you feel are crucial for dungeons you enjoy!

This video is made for authors, but its principles apply to us as worldbuilders just as much! Don't let naming your NPCs, cities, items, cultures, etc. get in the way of continuing to build the stories you want to play. This is a simple video, but still worth taking note of!

Dazzling Description: Painting the Perfect Picture - William Bernhardt

"Don't bury the reader in unneeded description...Don't waste your readers' time telling then what they already know - or don't need to know."

I won't spend too much time here, since I already wrote a full blog post on this book as well as what I learned from it here. Give it a read and figure out how best to describe characters in your games. It's not about overwhelming your players with descriptive prose, but about describing the parts of the characters that matter the most. Don't waste time on the fluff, and describe what counts!

I hope these resources inspire you! See you next week.

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