CHAINMAIL: 03.03.2023

Including - Crawling Without Hexes: The Pointcrawl, Using 4E to Make 5E Combat More Fun, and Robert Mckee On The Art of Story & Why Stories Matter.

Chainmail is a weekly newsletter dedicated to sharing the abundance of excellent content available in the TTRPG space. You'll find YouTube videos, blog posts, quotes from books, and many other forms of media related to improving your skills as game masters and world builders. Enjoy!

Crawling Without Hexes: The Pointcrawl - Hill Cantons

As DMs, we're all familiar with the dungeoncrawl and the hexcrawl. But they have an oft-overlooked companion that you MUST add to your toolkit. Pointcrawls are incredible planning tools and can make running an exploration-based session feel more focused and guided. Give them a try, I bet you find them as useful as I have!

Matt Colville. No introduction needed. Let Matt convince you to stop needlessly hating 4E.

"Nothing moves forward in a story except through conflict" is a Robert quote. He's Hollywood's script doctor, and in this podcast episode, he is interviewed by the great Rich Roll. It's long but worth every second. Put it on while you plan your next session and let his words guide you.

I hope these resources inspire you! See you next week.

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