CHAINMAIL: 08.04.2023

Chainmail is a weekly newsletter dedicated to sharing the abundance of excellent content available in the TTRPG space. You'll find YouTube videos, blog posts, quotes from books, and many other forms of media related to improving your skills as game masters and world builders. Enjoy!

Building Villains Like Pro-Wrestlers - Sly Flourish

9 times out of 10, your subtle conniving moments as a DM get lost on your players. They just don't notice it or don't get it because as a DM we know everything so all of our intricate strategic moves and intrigue makes complete sense to us. However, to your players, those small motions and sneaky hints mean very little. This article is about going in the other direction. It's about creating larger-than-life villains that smash your players in the face with panache and action. It's about creating memorable characters and memorable moments. Mike Shea of Sly Flourish did a great job with this one and I highly recommend giving it a read.

How to Grow as a DM - Questing Beast

I'm putting this video here for myself just as much as for you. If you can't tell based on this weekly newsletter, I study and research a vast swathe of material focused on DMing and worldbuilding. I am a huge proponent of remote mentors. With the internet and a lot of incredible figures within our space sharing their expertise, it is easier now more than ever to learn from the greats.

BUT...and I struggle with this as well (using the excuse of "I'm too busy")...the advice we learn from these articles and online videos is NOTHING without actually trying it out in a real situation, whether that be running a game of D&D or writing a story or worldbuilding or whatever creative story-making pursuit you are into. You need to put the things you learn into practice.
It doesn't count until then.

Vermis I - Plastiboo

Vermis I is unlike any book I've recommended in this newsletter. Vermis I is a guide for a video game that doesn't exist. Plastiboo, the author of this book, has created a really interesting twist on an art book and practical guide. Vermis I outlines creatures, locations, and items for a setting in a game that isn't real, yet the passion and detail behind these entries are very real. While I think Vermis I is a cool piece of media to leisurely explore, I think it also has practical use as a tool for inspiration as well as a way to help jumpstart the creative juices.

I hope these resources inspire you! If you haven't already, the best way to stay up to date with everything hothead related is to join the discord. Leave a comment down below and let me know which resource from this week's newsletter is your favorite. See you next week!