Volume 1 of Hothead's monthly D&D 5E zine created collaboratively with our community. Including The Temple of the Twin Mongrels and Other Icy Oddities...

Elysium is a monthly D&D 5E zine project created collaboratively live on twitch. If you'd like to take part, catch a stream over at: https://www.twitch.tv/cjsomedays
DISCLAIMER: This volume of Elysium utilizes AI images in its graphic design. Hothead saw this as an experimental tool for getting visual ideas across, but now understands the problems and issues it causes artists, regardless of whether the content is monetized or not.

Elysium is free and will always remain free. Starting with Volume 5 and moving forward, AI images will not be found in Elysium. This volume of Elysium will remain available as an archive of the contributors' design work, but does not represent what we stand for when working with artists and visual creators.
The icy halls carry an unease usually felt in fiendish pits. A ghostly laughter echos throughout...I hope you've come prepared, for the denizens of this temple aim to corrupt lost souls to their eternal servitude...

I am overjoyed to introduce the first edition of our monthly zine project Elysium! Volume 1 is based on the content created in the month of February 2023 live on twitch. The theme of February was "ice" and you can expect the following from this month's Elysium: 11 new creatures, 9 new magic items, a warlock subclass, and a lvl 11 dungeoncrawl adventure based in the Frostfell.

Below you'll find a download for both the zine in PDF form as well as zip folders containing all the assets required to run the adventure yourself! If you enjoy Elysium, feel free to join our discord and tell us what you think: https://discord.gg/jap7NhQ2ep

Elysium Vol 2 is based on the creations from the month of March 2023 and will focus on the theme "arcane technology". Coming soon!

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